The newest exhibits are open, just in time for Homecoming Weekend here at OWU. There are 3 new shows in 2 locations: Sally Christiansen Harris '76 has a great display of gorgeous photographs in Mowry Alumni Center, where they'll be on view until December 8, 2015. The photos are from all over the world, and Sally has captured incredible moments with her camera. You can read more about Sally and her work on
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The Ross Museum is featuring pieces from our Permanent Collection in the Lobby gallery to honor National Spanish Heritage month, and in the other galleries, the work of two landscape painters are highlighted.
Paul Ching-Bor uses watercolors and massive sheets of paper to create very intense, dark images of New York City, where he's lived and worked for many years. The tension between a medium that's normally thought of as delicate, but is presented in such a deep, somber way is something Paul wants the viewer to experience. His exhibit is titled "Sur", and you can read more about it on
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Todd Gordon is originally from Delaware, and his parents still live and work here. His landscapes also feature many views of New York City, and the contrast with Paul's work is striking. Todd uses oils on canvas, and creates intricate scenes that remind the viewer of panoramic photographs, very long, sometimes very narrow. The details really draw you into the paintings. You can read more about Todd's exhibit titled "Matter of Fact" on
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